

New updates and improvements to Transparency.

June 27, 2024


Added a light and dark mode to the dashboard, which defaults to the system theme.


June 26, 2024

Mobile-friendly Layout

Updated all screens for both attorneys and clients to be more mobile-friendly.

Mobile-friendly layout

Fixed miscellaneous bugs and improved the UX of the app.

June 25, 2024

Follow-up emails

New Features

  • Added a follow-up email to a beneficial owner or applicant when they don't confirm their information within a few hours.

Follow-up email

Bug Fixes

  • Made it easier to navigate years in the date picker.

  • Added a loading indicator and error messages to the address form.

June 23, 2024

Mark as Read


Added the ability to right-click on a channel and mark all messages as "read".

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved some bugs and UI fixes.

June 21, 2024

Workspace Notifications

Added a workspace settings page to manage notifications and improved the settings layout to clearly distinguish between workspace and user settings.

Updated pages/forms to have a better loading experience with enhanced caching.

Workspace Notifications

June 18, 2024

Identity Verification Fixes


  • Added a clearer way for owners to add their address if they leave and come back to the identity import process.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a successful identity import would get stuck in a pending state.

  • Resolved some bugs and made UI fixes.

June 14, 2024

UI Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Improved the experience around adding and removing members from companies.

  • Resolved some bugs and made UI fixes.

June 12, 2024

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Improved the expiration time for password reset links.

  • Resolved some bugs, UI fixes, and security updates.

June 5, 2024

Exemption Checker

Added an embeddable and public version of the exemption checker.

Exemption Checker

June 3, 2024

Bug Fixing

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved some bugs and UI fixes.

May 26, 2024

Filing Improvements


  • Added the ability to cancel a pending filing.

  • Added the ability to selectively sync contacts from PracticePanther (contact support for more information).

Cancel Filing

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved some bugs and UI fixes.

May 23, 2024

Workflow Improvements


  • Added the ability to archive companies, in the case that they are not relevant anymore and should not show on reports.

  • Added a contact detail page which shows their companies and the ability to enter a FinCEN ID for a contact.

Archive Company

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a bug where a client would not see the latest status of their company filing.

May 21, 2024

Attorney ID Collection


  • Added an easy way for attorneys to add themselves as an applicant (or beneficial owner) on a filing, with tasks assigned to add a personal FinCEN ID.

  • Added more frequent email reminders for outstanding filings and included the deadline date in the email.

May 18, 2024

Practice Panther Integration


  • Added an integration with Practice Panther, which allows periodic syncing of contacts from Practice Panther into Transparency.

Practice Panther sync

Bug fixes

  • Small improvements to UI interactions and animations.

May 11, 2024

Filing Dashboard


  • Added a new dashboard experience for attorneys. This includes a visual breakdown of the current status of all filings as well as the current pending companies.

Main Dashboard

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where removing all beneficial owners in the combobox would show incorrectly.

May 8, 2024

Quality of Live Improvements

General improvements

  • Improved the clarity of the toast messages when a user cannot log in or sign up.

  • Resolved an issue where beneficial owners who submit FinCEN IDs continue to get reminders about submitting identity information.

  • Added a "confirm password" input to make it easier for users to validate their password.

May 7, 2024

Filing Flow Updates

General improvements

  • Enhanced the modal dialog behavior to prevent accidental closure when clicking outside of the dialog area.

  • Improved visibility of background contact updates to ensure workspace owners have visibility into the process.

  • "Clients" has been renamed to "Contacts" to better reflect their role within the system.

  • Modified the validation process for the FinCEN ID to now accept dashes.

  • Removed references to not displaying ID information to attorneys to align with updated privacy guidelines.


Email improvements

  • Adjusted the invitation email for beneficial owners and applicants to clarify that resubmission of identity documents is not required if they have been previously submitted.

  • Revised the final transcript email to include all clients, the main applicant, and the submitter in the CC list, to improve communication transparency.


  • Resolved some caching issues to enhance system performance and reliability.

  • Refined the user interface to make the billing tab more accessible and easier to locate.

May 1, 2024

Clio Sync Fixes


  • Fixed the Clio syncing to show a notification while a sync is ongoing.

  • Resolved an issue where Clio would not sync over 200 contacts.

April 24, 2024

Clio Sync


  • Added the ability to link a Clio account and sync contacts. Syncing can be set up in Settings -> Linked Accounts.

Clio Sync